Worship for the Community
Services at 8:30 & 10:00 am

Posts by mtgretnachurch_fgqvyj

Communications Team

Are you gifted with words? Do you love to write? As I am sure you are aware, we have a variety ofcommunication channels at Mount Gretna UMC – Newsletter, FaceBook, Website, emails, bulletins, etc. and we are looking to bring everyone together to streamline things and be sure that everyone is on the same page -literally! If you are interested in serving…

New Member Reception

We will celebrate our new members during worship next week – Sunday, January 12, 2024. There will be additional opportunities forthcoming! If you are interested in more information or have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Andrea at revandreahaldeman@gmail.com

Advent Book Study

Sunday, Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22 Join Pastor Andrea at 6:30 PM in the Ebenezer Room for a study of Susan Robb’s The Angels of Christmas: Hearing God’s Voice in Advent. Each week will focus on the different angelic visits surrounding the birth of Jesus. The price of the book is $10. The books are in the office.