Worship for the Community
Services at 8:30 & 10:00 am

Welcome to The Mount Gretna United Methodist Church

Our mission is to know Christ and make him known;
to help people become, and grow, as followers of Christ;
and to relieve suffering, in our community and beyond through our members’ ministries

Electronic Giving

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MGUMC Midweek Meditation:

If you are looking for a spiritual touchpoint midweek, you are invited to subscribe to Pastor Andrea’s weekly email. This new initiative aims to help us stay connected and be encouraged as we live out our faith daily. To subscribe, please email Pastor Andrea at revandreahaldeman@gmail.com

A Journey of Healing: From Lamentation to Praise:

Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi has issued a call for us all to engage in healing the divisions in our congregations, our conference, and our communities. This five-month conference-wide campaign will culminate in May at district conferences and the Annual Conference. January’s theme is “Naming the Woundedness,” and Bishop Koikoi invited us to share prayer requests through a Google form at https://www.epagnjhealing.com/prayer “Praying Over…

Snow Watch

It is that time of year to watch the weather. We are registered on ABC 27 snow watch. In the event of inclement weather, please check for any service or event cancelations.

Communications Team

Are you gifted with words? Do you love to write? As I am sure you are aware, we have a variety ofcommunication channels at Mount Gretna UMC – Newsletter, FaceBook, Website, emails, bulletins, etc. and we are looking to bring everyone together to streamline things and be sure that everyone is on the same page -literally! If you are interested in serving…

College Connection

Please let the office know if your family includes students attending college/university. MGUMC would like to send them care packages at those particularly stressful times like midterms and finals.